Having been a qualified Driving Instructor for the past twenty years plus, I have all the necessary road skills and awareness of other road users, and I keep up to date with changes to regulations and road rules.
I'm therefore in a position to teach the up and coming younger generation the skills they need to drive safely on our roads and be aware of other road users at all times, with the goal of helping them - in a short time - to demonstrate their new found skills by successfully passing their Practical Driving Assessment.
After passing the PDA, I can help improve their driving skills during the mandatory twenty-five hours supervised driving. I can also assist with mandatory log book lessons for the Provisional license.
Once completed, under my guidance, students will be confident of passing the Hazard Perception computer test to demonstrate awareness of constant road hazards and will be able to drive alone for a further period of two years Probation, gaining valuable experience in all types of conditions with safety and confidence for the rest of their motoring lives.